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About On the way to PlanetProof


Certification scheme Plant Products


Call for input revision On the way to PlanetProof Plant Products

Publication date: 19 February 2024

The requirements of the certification scheme On the way to PlanetProof for Plant Products will be revised in the coming period. The new scheme will be valid from January 1, 2026. The revision ensures that the next steps can be taken in making arable and horticultural production more sustainable. All stakeholders are invited to submit proposals for revision.  

Purpose of the revision 

The aim of the revision is to adjust the requirements where necessary and possible, so that further steps can be taken to a more sustainable production. Attention will also be paid to the feasibility of the requirements and the efficiency of the certification process. 

Providing input 

SMK will collect input from all stakeholders. Proposals for improving the certification scheme can be submitted through this online form in English, Spanish, German, French and Dutch. This is possible until Monday, March 18, 2024, at the latest.

What will be done with your input?

The Board of Experts takes into consideration the submitted proposals and decides whether they will be included in the revision. Proposals for adjustment are being worked out in consultation with theme working groups of specialists. The proposals will be tested in sounding boards of On the way to PlanetProof growers and sector representatives and by an international supervisory committee composed of representatives of the various stakeholders. This will lead to a draft certification scheme. 

The draft certification scheme will be published in spring 2024, followed by a  public consultation process. The Board of Experts will take the responses from the public consultation into account in the decision-making process. The new version of the certification scheme is planned to be published in November 2025 and will be valid from January 1, 2026.  


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