The difference with organic
Before you buy a product, you may want to know where it comes from and how it was made. All the information you need to make a more sustainable choice may not always be available. A label shows at a glance that certain requirements have been met during production. What these requirements are can vary from label to label.There are about 100 food labels, logos, and labels in the supermarket for plant-based products. What is the difference with organic and what should you look for?
The differences at a glance
We list the differences for you for 10 topics:
- General
- Crop protection products
- Fertilizers
- Biodiversity, landscape & nature
- Energy
- Water quality
- Water quantity
- Waste & Packaging
- Fair & Social
- Inspection
The differences
Click on a subject and check the differences between conventional cultivation, On the way to PlanetProof and organic.
Produced within the legal regulations
Produced in accordance with extra-legal requirements aimed at reducing the environmental impact on a wide range of themes: crop protection, biodiversity, soil fertility, water, energy and waste.
Use of sustainable measures and latest cultivation techniques.
Cultivation on growing medium is permitted provided water is collected and reused
Produced according to European organic legal rules based on a number of basic principles:
- Crop rotation (=fruit rotation)
- Fertilizers of natural origin
- First without crop protection. If necessary, use of natural means allowed
- Plants are in the open ground
- Genetically free seed
Crop protection products
Farmer is free in choice and application of chemical crop protection agents as long as they are legally permitted and
legal restrictions are observed.
- Use of organic and mechanical crop protection where possible
- Active substances for which better alternatives are available should not be applied.
- Bonus/malus system (compensation with sustainable measures).
- Obligatory emission reduction measures
- Limit per crop for the amount of active substance applied
- Alleen beperkt gebruik van natuurlijke gewasbeschermingsmiddelen
- Geen enkele chemische onkruidbestrijding toegestaan, ook geen natuurlijke stoffen (in plaats daarvan mechanische onkruidbestrijding)
Fertilizer legislation aimed at preventing losses to ground and surface water
- Fertilize with animal manure, compost and fertilizer based on soil/crop analyses
- Maintaining soil fertility
Preventing loss of fertilizer - Recirculation (reuse) in greenhouse horticulture
- Only organic fertilizers allowed (animal manure and compost) and auxiliary fertilizers of natural origin
- Own legal standard for maximum amount of fertilizer per hectare
Biodiversity, landscape & nature
No requirements.
- Obligation to stimulate biodiversity and nature on the farm
- Farmer chooses measures that suit his/her farm, such as nesting opportunities, flowering field margins, etc.
- Mandatory crop rotation (legally 1 to 2, in practice usually 1 to 6 to 7)
- Cultivation in harmony with nature. Farm is designed to provide food and shelter for natural enemies of pesky insects, etc.
No requirements.
- Energy Savings
- Use green energy
No requirements, but principle: careful with finite resources.
Water quality
Additional requirements to prevent pollution of surface and groundwater.
Legislation; no requirements. Production requirements reduce pollution of ground and surface water.
Water quantity
No requirements.
Additional requirements to encourage rainwater harvesting and water reuse.
No requirements.
Waste & Packaging
Legal Requirements.
- Separating waste
- Good recyclable packaging
Legal Requirements.
Fair & Social
Legal Requirements.
Legal Requirements.
Legal requirements: no own requirements, but principles.
No inspection.
Inspection by independent certification bodies.
SMK – the developer and manager of the quality label – and the certification bodies are supervised by the Dutch Accreditation Council.
Independent inspection (by SKAL) that products meet requirements of European organic legislation.
Any questions?
Contact team Plant Products.